Progress Conferences (Parent Teacher Conferences) will be held this Friday, Feb. 26
about 4 years ago, Susan Waring
mark your calendar
High School Football & Volleyball Schedules for Jr. High & High School have been posted on our website /APP & district calendar:
about 4 years ago, Susan Waring
For today's Jr. High Girls Basketball game vs Fowler: You will need to enter through the weight room door on the east side of the high school.
about 4 years ago, Susan Waring
Jr girls BB roster
Jr/Sr Announcements for 2/22:
about 4 years ago, Susan Waring
jr/sr announcements
Here’s something to kick off your Monday morning with a smile - a picture of all the 1st graders who are missing their 2 front teeth! Thank you for sharing Mrs. Hines.
about 4 years ago, Susan Waring
1st graders missing teeth
LASD Board of Education Meeting 2/22/21 @ 6:00 p.m. agenda:
about 4 years ago, Susan Waring
Board agenda
Board agenda
FFA Week!
about 4 years ago, Susan Waring
FFA Week
Senior Basketball Players & their parents were recognized during today’s game - check out our Facebook page for more photos #Classof2021
about 4 years ago, Susan Waring
Senior BB Pllayers
Senior players & parents
Las Animas Jr/Sr High Students: order your 2020-21 Yearbooks!
about 4 years ago, Susan Waring
Yearbook ad
Watch the basketball games vs Swink today starting at 1:00 p.m. Live on our Facebook Page! Boys JV, Girls Var, Boys Var #GoTrojans
about 4 years ago, Susan Waring
BB Roster
Varsity Boys vs Rye starting in 10 minutes - watch it live on school’s Facebook Page!
about 4 years ago, Susan Waring
Var BB
Var BB
Girls Varsity vs Rye starts in about 15 minutes! #GoTrojans Watch it Live on our Facebook Page
about 4 years ago, Susan Waring
Lady Trojans
Lady Trojans
Lady Trojans
On Tuesday, February 23rd the Yearbook class will be taking Junior High Boys and Girls basketball pictures during PE. Order forms will be going out on Monday and can be returned until March 1st. All pictures will be put onto a jumpdrive and printing rights given to the parents upon purchase. If you have any questions, please email Ms. Pointon at
about 4 years ago, Susan Waring
picture day
Wow! Check out these new books they have at the Elementary Library!
about 4 years ago, Susan Waring
Las Animas High School Basketball Senior Night! Parents: we want to recognize our senior basketball players & their parents during Saturday's game.
about 4 years ago, Susan Waring
Basketball Senior Night
Friday School will be held this week; 7th graders from 8:00 to 10:00- 8th graders from 10:00 till noon!
about 4 years ago, Susan Waring
Congratulations to our District Spelling Bee Participants! Here is the link to the spelling bee and the results were: Daniel Huston - 1st Place (eligible to participate in State Spelling Bee) Serah Dean - 2nd Place
about 4 years ago, Susan Waring
district spelling bee
district spelling bee
Friday, Feb 19 for the HS Basketball vs Rye: We have changed the order of games. It will be Girls JV, Boys JV, Girls Varsity, and then Boys Varsity. All games will be played in HS gym. First game will start at 12:00pm and you can watch all the games Live on our Facebook page!
about 4 years ago, Susan Waring
High School Basketball games scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 18: Primero just went on a snow day and won’t be able to travel tomorrow. We are looking at rescheduling -- Cody Hines Las Animas High School Athletic Director
about 4 years ago, Susan Waring
Game postponed
Great job to all the participants in the Spelling Bee this year!
about 4 years ago, Susan Waring
Elem spelling bee
Jr High Spelling Bee