Driver’s Ed class starting Sept 4 - sign up today!
over 4 years ago, Susan Waring
Picture of driver ed photo
Elementary PE classes are taking advantage of the nice weather and are having class outside!
over 4 years ago, Susan Waring
Picture of PE class
Picture of PE class
Picture of PE class
Picture of PE class
There will be meetings for all high school students interested in playing football this year on Wednesday OR Thursday. Juniors and Seniors will meet on Wednesday after school and Freshmen and Sophomores will meet on Thursday after school. Both meetings will be held in the cafeteria.
over 4 years ago, Susan Waring
picture of football
High School Girls Basketball players will meet after school on Wednesday OR Thursday. Senior and Juniors on Wednesday and Sophomores and Freshman will be Thursday.
over 4 years ago, Susan Waring
picture of basketball and hoop
Rec Sports class is learning how to play cornhole
over 4 years ago, Susan Waring
Picture of rec sports class
Even the AR wall decorations at the elementary got a mask make-over!
over 4 years ago, Susan Waring
Picture of AR posters
Pictures of AR posters
AR Posters
AR Posters
It’s great to see the kids getting a “mask break” and enjoying time outside during their recess.
over 4 years ago, Susan Waring
Kids playing in rec area
Kids playing in rec area
Pictures of kids on rec area
Pictures of kids swinging
High School Students: If you would like to join the Student Council this year, be sure to let Ms. Stuart know via in person, email, or on hangouts. Deadline to join is September 3rd. Our first meeting will be Friday September 4th via Google Meets
over 4 years ago, Susan Waring
STUCO Emblem
Coming Soon!
over 4 years ago, Susan Waring
school food pantry flyer
The High School Student Council is selling personalized parking spaces for $10. If you would like a parking space with your name on it, please contact Ms. Stuart. You must have a driver's form turned into the school. Collecting until Sept. 1st, then spaces will be painted that weekend. Money must also be paid by Sept 1st to have a spot.
over 4 years ago, Susan Waring
Parking Sign
2020 Virtual Pet Photo Competition @ the State Fair! Date: Aug 03 - Aug 14, 2020 Cost: Entry is Free! Every qualified entry will receive one 1-day gate pass for the 2021 Colorado State Fair! Judge: Colorado State University-Pueblo President, Timothy Mottet and spouse, Rick Gonzalez Cost: Free Who is eligible: Colorado Residents of all ages
over 4 years ago, Susan Waring
Colorado State Fair Logo
LASD Registration - Wednesday, Aug 12 Your child’s advisor/teacher will call you to set up an appt.
over 4 years ago, Susan Waring
Registration information
Welcome to our new website!
over 4 years ago, Kale Reyher