As you are aware, there has been a great deal of media attention on the Governor's announcement about wanting to start football in what is called season A. If the Governor has his way, some schools could start football season as early as September 28, if they choose to play in season A. These are challenging times as information is shared daily making it more confusing.
As it stands now with the information given to us today, we will stay with Season C. In speaking with Mrs. Wallace and the coaches, we feel our athletes would not be ready for competitive tackle football in less than two weeks. We have been conducting an off season workout schedule with students staying in their cohort groups at this time.
Here's a video from Superintendent Goines and Athletic Director Cody Hines with more info:

High School Knowledge Bowl will be meeting at lunch this week within cohorts. Our first meet is this Saturday, Sept. 19th. If you plan on attending, be at practice!

7th graders Pure Gold will have an introductory meeting for you on Wednesday the 16th @ lunch. We’re the Community Service group for the Jr. High and if you’re all about having fun & helping out with projects then we’re your club! Make sure to bring your disposable lunch tray to the HS library on Wed. at lunch.

VFW Flag Retirment Ceremony:

First graders took advantage of the nice weather last week to practiced learned words outside using chalk!

ALL Las Animas Elementary Students will be released at 3:55 pm starting on Monday. Locations for Parent Pick-Up will remain the same.

Parents if 3-6 years olds:

Jump Start - 6th Grade Parents/Guardians: This permission slip will be sent home today with your student(s) - they must return it by Oct. 1st along with $5.00 to go on the field trip to Red Barn Farm of SECO on Oct. 6th or 8th.

Since we were unable to have our EOY banquet last May, please join us in celebrating with our staff members who received their year of service pins. We award pins starting at 3 years, 5, 10, 15 etc.....
Three years: Michelle Lovato, Samantha Hines, Chasity Duran, Gary Tyscka, Sharon Bullock, Jenn Pointon, Bob Beebe, Amanda Vaughn
Five Years: Ryan Siefkas, Kathy Cumbie, Raven Martin-Cruz
Ten Years: Rachael Tamir, Alicia Torrez
Fifteen Years: Dave Armstrong, Jamie Stavely
Twenty Years: Susan Waring

Thank you First National Bank for donating water bottles to all our students!

August HECTOR Assembly for Jr/Sr High!

Flag Retirement Ceremony @ VFW:

High School Cheer practice starts this week! Wednesdays - Juniors and Seniors 5 pm in high school cafeteria.
Thursdays - Freshman and Sophomore 5 p.m in high school cafeteria. Everyone is welcome to join!

Thank you Miranda Martinez for this great post on your Facebook page:
My Tatum has been having a hard time with school this year. Every morning he is upset and just wants to stay home. I notified the school, never having dealt with this before. The staff at LAES has gone above and beyond to help. Mrs. Gardner has been waiting the last two mornings to walk with him into school. This has helped tremendously. More than she probably knows. All of the elementary staff is so kind and have smiles on their faces every morning. His teacher, Mrs. Laurent, let’s me bother her all day long. Mrs. Montez, trying her hardest and having so much patience at drop off. This and many other reasons are why my children go to school at LAES! We appreciate ALL of you! Thank you isn’t enough! 💙🤍 #TrojanPride

Covid-19: What Can Kids Do?
Want to know more about COVID-19? And what you can do to get through the pandemic? Learn the dos and don’ts to help you and your family stay safe.

Reminder: There is no school on Monday, Sept. 7 - Have a safe weekend!

Friday School will be held tomorrow for the following classes: 8-10 am for Juniors and Seniors and 10-12 am for Sophomores and Freshman. Friday school is in the HS Library. It will rotate every other week with the Jr. High

Click here for Elementary: http://shorturl.at/ptu79
Click here for Jr/Sr High: http://shorturl.at/egsz7
Be sure and read your student's school flyer for a chance to win a FREE gift certificate!

Taking bids on a 1992 International Bluebird Bus: