HECTOR of the Week

HS - Nate Garcia - Nate has done a great job staying on task and completing his work on time even when he doesn't feel like it. He is always respectful and tolerant of others. He is involved in coaching 5-6 grade football and wants to help improve our community and its members.

Staff - Mrs. Pena is the staff  HECTOR of the week. She is passionate about teaching and coaching the students of Las Animas. Mrs. Pena is also going above and beyond to help out with other school events like Prom. She is an excellent example of what it means to be HECTOR.

JH - Josias Flores-Josias is working very hard in school. He has a positive attitude towards his teachers and peers. He has a fun sense of humor. He has a wide variety of interests that bring good conversations to class. Josias is a great example of HECTOR in our school